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Medications & Supplements for Procrastination: Top 15 Most Effective Remedies

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An asian student looking for medication and supplements around her for academic procrastination

In our relentless pursuit of peak performance and productivity, the allure of a ‘magic pill’ or elixir to banish procrastination and supercharge your efficiency is a tantalizing prospect.

The search for a simple, swift solution to overcome the common hurdle of procrastination captivates the imagination. Well, we’ve done the work for you.

We’ll explore the efficacy of various medications and supplements for procrastination, assessing their potential as solutions to boost your productivity and reignite your motivation to tackle tasks.

We’ve evaluated and ranked various substances for their effectiveness in boosting energy, motivation, and overall productivity, drawing on the latest research and scientific literature.

Join us on this intriguing journey to discover if science offers a real-life counterpart to the mythical elixir of productivity.

Methodology & Disclaimer

We’ve thoroughly reviewed over 40 drugs and supplements, assessing their influence on motivation and productivity, and their potential as remedies to curb tendencies toward procrastination.

This analysis entailed a thorough examination of scientific research and literature, meticulously sorting through to select the options most strongly supported by scientific evidence.

Please note that effectiveness ratings are based on the significance of the effect, strength of evidence, and comparative studies between these substances; however, these are general estimates as effects may vary from person to person.

Table of Contents

Is There a Medication for Procrastination?

No, there is no medication specifically approved for treating procrastination, as procrastination is not recognized as a medical condition in itself.

An hour glass representing procrastination and pills and capsules inside it representing the remedies

However, certain medications and supplements have the potential to affect energy levels, motivation and physical and mental performance, which may indirectly benefit individuals struggling with procrastination.

Depending on the individual, specific medical conditions, and underlying causes of procrastination, these substances may offer varying degrees of help.

However, some of these substances need to be administered under medical supervision, as their use might come with potential risks and side-effects.

When considering these options, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons, including the potential benefits and side effects.

1. Modafinil

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Modafinil bottle Medication and pills for procrastination

Modafinil, known as Provigil, is a eugeroic (wakefulness-promoting) drug primarily prescribed for conditions like narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness), sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. It’s also used off-label for conditions like ADHD and fatigue.

Unlike traditional stimulants that broadly affect dopamine and norepinephrine, Modafinil targets specific brain pathways that control wakefulness, and is considered a safer alternative due to its lower risk of addiction compared to other stimulants.

Effectiveness of Modafinil for Procrastination: What the Research Says

Modafinil was dubbed the “world’s first safe smart drug” by researchers at Harvard and Oxford universities, who suggested its effects were “low risk” when taken in the short term.

This medication has gained recognition for its ability to enhance cognitive functions, alertness, and productivity, leading to its growing use as a performance-enhancing drug, particularly among students and professionals in demanding fields like tech and corporate.

The exact mechanism of action of this drug remains under investigation, but it is believed to activate brain regions associated with learning and problem-solving, which enhances cognitive functions, increases energy and motivation, and improves overall productivity.

There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that this drug is effective, particularly in the short term, in boosting motivation and potentially reducing procrastination, especially for tasks that are mentally and physically demanding.

Research on individuals with narcolepsy has shown that those taking Modafinil experience numerous benefits, such as increased energy, improved social functioning, fewer difficulties in daily activities, and enhancements in attention, productivity, and psychological well-being.

In another study involving sleep-deprived individuals taking Modafinil, researchers observed a reduction in fatigue, along with improvements in vigor and cognition. These effects were comparable to those of caffeine but had a longer-lasting duration.

In healthy individuals, a review of 24 studies showed that Modafinil improves decision-making, planning, executive function, learning and memory, especially on complex tasks.

However, it’s important to note that not all findings are consistently positive. A 2023 study indicated that while stimulants like Modafinil may increase motivation and effort, they don’t always lead to better performance in complex, real-life tasks and can sometimes even impair productivity.

Risks And Side-Effects:

Modafinil is generally considered safe for most people and presents a lower risk, especially when compared to traditional stimulants, with a reduced likelihood of dependance and addiction.

Commonly reported side-effects include headaches, nausea, nervousness, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping. Some users may experience gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea or constipation.

More serious but less common risks involve cardiovascular problems, including increased heart rate and blood pressure. In rare cases, severe reactions like skin rashes or hypersensitivity can occur.

In summary, Modafinil, known for its potential to enhance mental performance and stamina, may provide substantial benefits in terms of productivity and motivation, especially in the short term, particularly for individuals with specific clinical clinical needs.

However, the absence of thorough research on its long-term efficacy and safety for healthy individuals calls for a cautious approach.

While there are anecdotal reports of its effectiveness for healthy individuals, the long-term impact of Modafinil on productivity and procrastination remains uncertain.

It is important to consider the potential benefits alongside the risks of side effects and the limited data on long-term use.

Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential before considering Modafinil for any use.

2. Stimulants

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Stimulants bottles Medication and pills for procrastination

Stimulants are a class of drugs that increase alertness, attention, and energy by enhancing the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, primarily dopamine and norepinephrine.

This class of drugs includes three widely used medications: Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse), Methylphenidate (Ritalin), and Amphetamine (Adderall).

Stimulants are primarily prescribed for treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), to improve focus and reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity. They are also used in the treatment of narcolepsy, a sleep condition marked by excessive daytime sleepiness.

Effectiveness of Stimulants for Procrastination: What the Research Says

Stimulants are highly effective in enhancing focus, energy, and boosting drive and performance. These effects can significantly increase your motivation to accomplish tasks and improve your overall productivity, particularly if you have ADHD, a condition often associated with increased procrastination.

Read this article to understand why people with ADHD tend to struggle more with procrastination.

The cognitive effects of stimulants, such as increased alertness and focus, enable you to concentrate better and reduce fatigue, allowing for extended task performance without significant mental or physical tiredness.

While direct research connecting stimulants to reduced procrastination is limited, existing evidence indicates that these medications can significantly boost energy and motivation in individuals, both with and without ADHD.

A 2023 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that individuals with ADHD, when medicated with amphetamines, showed significantly increased motivation in both cognitive and physical tasks, closely matching the levels of healthy individuals.

In healthy adults, stimulants are sometimes used off-label to enhance cognitive performance and productivity, especially by students seeking to improve stamina and sustained focus.

A 2013 study involving 40 students without ADHD found that those who took stimulants experienced increased motivation, energy, and attention.

Interestingly, research shows that students with higher levels of academic procrastination are more likely to use stimulants to stay awake, alert, or energetic.

Risks And Side-Effects:

When taking stimulants, you may encounter immediate side effects like an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

Prolonged use can pose more serious risks, including dependency, cardiovascular complications, and exacerbation of mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

In summary, Stimulants can substantially increase energy, motivation, and productivity, and this is particularly beneficial if you have ADHD, a condition frequently linked to procrastination.

However, the use of stimulants by healthy individuals without ADHD is controversial and potentially illegal, posing risks such as addiction, making it an unsuitable long-term solution for addressing procrastination.

Therefore, exercising caution and seeking medical oversight are crucial considerations when contemplating the use of stimulants. It is imperative to consult with a healthcare professional prior to utilizing stimulants for any purpose.

3. Antidepressants

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Antidepressants bottles Medication and pills for procrastination

Antidepressants are a class of medications designed to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health conditions.

They work by adjusting the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, chemicals that affect mood and emotions.

Here’s a breakdown of the 5 main types of antidepressants:

1. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): SSRIs increase serotonin levels in the brain, improving mood and reducing anxiety. They are commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety disorders.

Examples: Fluoxetine (Prozac), Sertraline (Zoloft), Escitalopram (Lexapro).  

2. Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs): SNRIs enhance both serotonin and norepinephrine levels, aiding mood and energy. They are used for depression, anxiety, and sometimes chronic pain conditions.

Examples: Venlafaxine (Effexor), Duloxetine (Cymbalta), Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq).

3. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs): TCAs are considered older generation antidepressants; They impact multiple neurotransmitters and are often reserved for cases of depression that hasn’t responded to other treatments.

Examples: Amitriptyline (Elavil), Nortriptyline (Pamelor), Imipramine (Tofranil).

4. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs): MAOIs are one of the oldest classes of antidepressants and work by inhibiting the monoamine oxidase enzyme, increasing levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Due to their side effects, MAOIs are typically used as a last resort for treating depression, particularly when other antidepressants are ineffective.

Examples: Phenelzine (Nardil), Tranylcypromine (Parnate), Selegiline (Emsam).

5. Atypical Antidepressants: This category comprises antidepressants that do not fit neatly into the other classes. They have unique mechanisms of action and are used to treat various mood disorders.

Examples: Bupropion (Wellbutrin), Mirtazapine (Remeron).

Effectiveness of Antidepressants for Procrastination: What the Research Says

Although there is no direct research focusing on the effectiveness of antidepressants specifically for treating your procrastination, there is indirect evidence suggesting their potential effectiveness if you have depression and anxiety disorders.

Depression and other mental health conditions frequently exhibit symptoms such as your lack of energy, motivation, and overall low productivity. By addressing these symptoms, antidepressants can indirectly contribute to improving your productivity and motivation.

Read a more detailed article on the relationship between Procrastination and Depression.

A 2023 study involving 432 employed patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) found that antidepressant treatment significantly reduced depression symptoms and increased workplace productivity over six months.

Similarly, a 2018 scientific paper published in the Journal of Affective Disorders reported that multiple classes of antidepressants effectively boosted workplace productivity among individuals suffering from depression.

However, some antidepressants, especially SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) may paradoxically cause side effects that mimic depressive symptoms, such as emotional apathy and lack of motivation. This can lead to a feeling of being “flat” and unmotivated, a condition often referred to as SSRI-induced apathy.

In this regard, Bupropion, an atypical antidepressant, has been shown to be effective in treating depression without causing the emotional blunting commonly associated with SSRIs.

Studies indicate that, in addition to improving depression, Bupropion XL enhances energy, pleasure, and interest, while also reducing insomnia. This drug may be a compelling choice for those seeking an antidepressant with energizing effects and fewer emotional side effects.

Risks And Side-Effects:

The risks and side effects of antidepressants vary depending on the class, type of medication, and individual factors.

You might experience common side effects like nausea, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, insomnia, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and dizziness.

More severe risks for you can include increased suicidal thoughts, especially if you’re a young adult, serotonin syndrome (a rare, life-threatening condition), withdrawal symptoms upon stopping, and potential interactions with other medications.

In summary, Antidepressant medications are primarily effective for treating depression and anxiety disorders, where symptoms such as fatigue and low energy can lead to reduced productivity and increased procrastination.

However, for healthy individuals without a diagnosed mental health condition, taking antidepressants is unlikely to enhance motivation or productivity and may potentially worsen these aspects.

It’s also crucial to understand that responses to antidepressants vary; they depend on both the type of medication and your individual reaction.

Finding the right antidepressant for you may sometimes require trying several different types to discover the most suitable one.

Please remember to always seek medical advice and guidance when addressing mental health concerns.

4. L-Theanine & Caffeine

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L-Theanine & Caffeine bottle supplement and pills for procrastination

L-Theanine and caffeine are natural compounds found primarily in Green Tea Extract and form a popular combination known for enhancing cognitive functions.

While L-Theanine alone is beneficial for relaxation and sustained focus, its combination with caffeine’s stimulating effects can enhance cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and alertness, which are crucial for productivity.

This combination has been found effective in enhancing problem-solving abilities and is particularly well-suited for multitasking situations.

Research shows that L-Theanine-Caffeine compound markedly improves attention, reaction times, and working memory, especially in activities that require switching between tasks.

Animal studies have shown that Green Tea Extract, containing both L-Theanine and caffeine, might be effective in improving performance and recovery during exercise, serving as a supportive supplement.

Numerous other studies have also confirmed that the L-Theanine-Caffeine combination enhances cognitive tasks and overall energy levels, serving as a supportive aid during periods requiring sustained and intense focus.

Risks and Side-effects :

L-Theanine and Caffeine are generally safe and well-tolerated, although potential side effects may include restlessness, insomnia, and increased heart rate, primarily due to the caffeine content.

In summary, the L-Theanine-caffeine supplement presents a compelling option for enhancing productivity, especially for those sensitive to caffeine’s stimulatory effects. Its balanced approach to boosting alertness and mental clarity, makes it a popular choice among students and professionals alike.

5. Rhodiola Rosea

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Rhodiola Rosea bottle supplement and pills for procrastination

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as Arctic or Golden root, is a herb indigenous to the cold, mountainous regions of Europe and Asia. Traditionally, it has been used for its capacity to enhance energy, endurance, strength, and both physical and mental stamina.

Rhodiola Rosea is considered an adaptogen, known for enhancing the body’s ability to resist and adapt to stress. Research has shown that it stimulates key neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine, which likely contributes to its positive mental and cognitive effects.

There is compelling evidence that taking rhodiola as a dietary supplement is effective in reducing fatigue, enhancing mental and physical endurance,  attention, memory, work productivity, and managing stress, which can significantly aid in boosting productivity.

In a study involving 40 students, Rhodiola Rosea was found to significantly improve mental performance, physical fitness, and overall well-being. There were notable reductions in mental fatigue, improvements in sleep patterns, and an increase in motivation during their exam period.

A 2022 study found that adults under life stress who took Rhodiola supplement showed consistent improvements in stress symptoms, mood, concentration, quality of life, and functional ability.

Similarly, a German study found that patients with burnout symptoms significantly benefited from an eight-week Rhodiola treatment, showing relief from exhaustion, depression, insomnia, fatigue, and low performance.

However, it’s worth noting that while Rhodiola is recognized for its potential anti-fatigue benefits, other studies have yielded contradictory and often inconclusive results regarding these effects.

Risks and Side-effects: Rhodiola Rosea is generally well-tolerated, but it can cause side effects like dizziness, dry mouth, and trouble sleeping. It may also interact with certain medications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid it.

In summary, Rhodiola Rosea is increasingly recognized for its effectiveness in enhancing reducing fatigue, combating stress, and boosting overall energy and productivity. However, it’s important to note that its effect, as with many other supplements, may vary from person to person.

6. Caffeine

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coffee cup and tea representing caffeine and coffee beans for procrastination

Caffeine, a stimulant commonly found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, is renowned for its ability to rapidly enhance alertness and concentration, offering a quick and noticeable boost in energy.

It works by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain, which helps prevent drowsiness and increases alertness.

While direct evidence linking caffeine consumption to enhanced productivity and reduced procrastination is limited, there is considerable well-documented evidence suggesting that caffeine can indirectly boost productivity by enhancing mental faculties such as energy, motivation, focus, alertness, reaction times, and overall cognitive performance.

This makes Caffeine particularly beneficial for tasks requiring sustained focus and mental clarity.

A 2005 study revealed that higher caffeine intake resulted in increased alertness and a slower decline in reaction time throughout the workday. It was significantly associated with reduced cognitive errors and fewer workplace accidents.

The analysis of 13 studies indicates that consuming a low to moderate dose of caffeine before or during exercise can enhance self-reported energy, mood, and cognitive functions like attention and memory.  

Risks and Side-effects : Caffeine is generally safe and can be beneficial, especially when consumed in moderation. However, excessive intake can lead to side effects like insomnia, jitteriness, increased heart rate, digestive issues, and anxiety.

In summary, Caffeine can offer short-term assistance, particularly with tasks that require focus or sustained effort. It provides bursts of energy, alertness, and endurance, potentially enhancing productivity in the short run.

However, Caffeine is unlikely to resolve underlying causes of procrastination, which makes caffeine more of a temporary aid rather than a lasting solution.

7. Gincko Biloba

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Gincko Biloba supplement for procrastination

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural supplement extracted from the leaves of the ancient Ginkgo tree, recognized for its potential cognitive benefits, such as enhanced memory, focus, and overall brain health. These effects are attributed to its antioxidant properties and ability to improve cerebral blood flow.

The overall scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of Ginkgo Biloba in enhancing productivity is inconclusive. While some studies suggest modest cognitive benefits, other research has observed more significant effects.

For instance, research showed significant improvements in self-estimated mental health and quality of life among users of Ginkgo Biloba. Additionally, A 2017 study highlighted Ginkgo Biloba’s superior effectiveness compared to psycho-education alone in alleviating stress, anxiety, and fatigue among refugees and war survivors.

The cognitive benefits of Ginkgo Biloba, especially in enhancing mental health and reducing stress and fatigue, suggest it could indirectly contribute to improved productivity; however, it’s crucial to note that current evidence is insufficient to draw a definitive conclusion.

Risks and Side-effects: While Ginkgo Biloba is typically well-tolerated, certain individuals may experience side effects such as headaches, dizziness, or stomach upset. Additionally, there is a concern that it might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding and potentially interact with other medications.

In summary, Ginkgo Biloba exhibits potential as a supplement for enhancing mood, energy, and alleviating stress-related fatigue, which could indirectly boost productivity. However, while some studies reported modest effects, the overall evidence regarding its efficacy remains inconclusive.

8. Ashwagandha

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Ashwagandha bottle supplement and pills for procrastination

Ashwagandha is an ancient herb with a rich history in Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional medicinal system of India. It is known for its wide range of health benefits, including reducing anxiety and stress, boosting fertility and testosterone in men, and enhancing brain function.

Ashwagandha, renowned for its adaptogenic properties, assists in managing stress and anxiety by regulating the body’s stress response and potentially lowering cortisol levels.

Research supports the effectiveness of Ashwagandha in enhancing cognitive function, attention, memory, and sleep quality. A 2022 study found that college students taking a moderate dose of Ashwagandha for 30 days experienced improved well-being, enhanced energy, mental clarity, and better sleep quality.

Other studies suggest that Ashwagandha can help reduce fatigue in adults experiencing high stress, although other research has yielded mixed results in this area.

Risks and Side-effects: Ashwagandha is generally considered safe for most people, but it can cause side effects such as upset stomach, diarrhea, and drowsiness, especially at high doses. It may be unsafe for pregnant or breastfeeding women and can interact with certain medications.

In summary, Ashwagandha holds potential as a natural supplement for enhancing mental performance, energy, and reducing stress and fatigue, which could help in improving productivity and potentially curbing procrastination.

However, its effectiveness may vary among individuals, and it should be considered a complementary approach, as more extensive research is required to fully understand its effects.

9. Bacopa Monnieri

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Bacopa Monnieri bottle supplement and plant for procrastination

Bacopa Monnieri, also known as Brahmi and traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, is increasingly recognized for its cognitive benefits. Additionally, Bacopa is known for its adaptogenic properties, which means it could help in managing stress, a common hindrance to productivity.

With its nootropic properties, numerous studies have shown that Bacopa can enhance memory, attention, cognitive processing, and potentially mental endurance, factors that may contribute to increased energy and productivity.

Research on Bacopa Monnieri has shown positive results regarding its effectiveness in enhancing cognitive performance among students.

In a 2016 study of 60 college students, daily doses of 300 mg of Bacopa were found to significantly enhance cognitive functions as measured by various tests.

Despite some evidence suggesting Bacopa enhances cognitive performance, other studies have presented conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of Bacopa Monnieri, especially in terms of cognitive functions in healthy adults.

Risks and Side-effects : Bacopa Monnieri is generally well-tolerated, some people might experience gastrointestinal discomfort and dry mouth, especially when taken in high doses or on an empty stomach.

In summary, Bacopa Monnieri shows potential in supporting cognitive health, though its direct impact on productivity and procrastination is not extensively documented. Nonetheless, its ability to enhance cognitive functions may indirectly contribute to increased energy and reduced fatigue, particularly during periods of sustained mental effort.

10. Racetams

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Racetams bottle supplements and pills for procrastination

Racetams are a group of synthetic nootropics designed to enhance cognitive functions. Commonly known types of racetams are Piracetam, Aniracetam, and Oxiracetam. They function by modulating neurotransmitters and enhancing blood flow to the brain.

Racetams have gained some popularity as cognitive enhancers due to their potential in improving focus, memory, and overall brain function.

There is limited evidence on the effectiveness of racetams in enhancing productivity or combating procrastination. Existing studies indicate that the effectiveness of racetams in enhancing cognitive performance in healthy individuals varies, and these effects may also depend on the specific compound used.

Some studies suggest that Piracetam, a prominent member of the racetam family, has the ability to enhance focus and overall mental performance. This enhancement is particularly advantageous in executing complex tasks and maintaining concentration.

Risks and Side-effects : Racetams are generally considered safe, with many users reporting minimal adverse effects. However, some individuals may experience side effects such as headaches, insomnia, or gastrointestinal issues. 

In summary, racetams may offer benefits for cognitive improvement and mental clarity, potentially improving productivity, especially in tasks requiring sustained mental effort. However, their effectiveness and potential side effects can vary, so it is advisable to proceed with caution.

11. Tyrosine

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Tyrosine bottle supplements and pills for procrastination

Tyrosine is an essential amino acid, serving as a building block for neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline, which are crucial for cognitive functions and mood regulation.

Research indicates that Tyrosine plays a vital role in enhancing cognitive performance, especially under stress or when the body’s neurotransmitter levels are low.

This improvement in brain function is linked to Tyrosine’s ability to restore these essential neurotransmitters, which are crucial for maintaining mental clarity and focus, especially during demanding tasks.

By boosting neurotransmitter levels, Tyrosine may improve focus, alertness, and decision-making, which are key for productivity.

However, while its benefits in stressful situations are well documented, conclusive evidence directly linking Tyrosine to increased productivity in normal circumstances is still limited.

Risks and Side-effects : Tyrosine is considered safe, but some individuals may experience side effects like nausea, headache, fatigue, and heartburn, especially at high doses.

In summary, Tyrosine may offer some benefits as a cognitive enhancer, especially useful in situations of stress or heavy cognitive demand, and could indirectly aid in boosting productivity.

However, it’s important to note that in normal circumstances, the evidence of its effectiveness is more limited.

12. Ginseng

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Ginseng bottle supplements and roots for procrastination

Ginseng is a medicinal herb renowned for its wide range of therapeutic benefits, including enhancing energy, cognitive and physical performance, boosting the immune system, aiding in stress management, and improving overall well-being.

This herb is often used for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body resist stressors of various kinds. 

Research indicates that Ginseng, especially Panax Ginseng, could be effective in treating fatigue, notably in those with chronic illnesses, although its effects were found to be moderate.

A 2021 Study found that healthy adults who took Panax Ginseng daily, along with vitamins and minerals, experienced improved self-perceived energy levels and a reduction in fatigue.

A 2022 study also highlighted the potential benefits of Ginseng in managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), although definitive conclusions were challenging to draw due to the study’s limited scope.

Research found that administering oral Ginseng for six months to individuals with mild cognitive impairment had a positive effect on cognitive functions, particularly showing notable improvement in visual memory.

Risks and Side-effects: Ginseng is typically well-tolerated, yet it can lead to side effects such as nervousness, insomnia, changes in blood pressure, vomiting, and diarrhea. There’s also a possibility of allergic reactions and drug interactions. Due to unclear safety profiles, its use is not recommended for children, pregnant, or lactating individuals.

In summary, Ginseng demonstrates potential in boosting energy, enhancing cognitive functions, and reducing fatigue, which can be particularly beneficial if you’re seeking better productivity, especially when coping with cognitive challenges and chronic fatigue.

13. Vitamins

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Vitamins & Nutrients bottle supplement pills and fruits and veggies for procrastination

Vitamins are organic compounds essential for normal body growth, function, and maintenance, usually obtained through diet. They play a key role in supporting brain health and optimizing energy metabolism.

Vitamins supplements, on the other hand, can play a supportive role particularly in cases of existing deficiencies or among individuals with specific chronic conditions, where the right balance of vitamins can significantly enhance mental and physical health.

Here are some key vitamin supplements known for their potential to boost mental health and energy levels:

1. B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folate): B vitamins are essential for energy production, nerve function, and cell metabolism.

Vitamin B12 is vital for nerve function and the production of DNA and red blood cells. Deficiency in B12 can lead to fatigue and reduced cognitive function.

Vitamin B6 is crucial for building neurotransmitters, the brain’s chemical messengers, influencing mood regulation and alertness.

Who Needs to Take Vitamin B Supplements ? You typically need Vitamin B supplements if you are a vegan or vegetarian, elderly, have certain medical conditions like Crohn’s disease, are pregnant, a chronic alcoholic, or on medications that affect nutrient absorption.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Form Omega-3 fatty acids are not vitamins but essential nutrients critical for maintaining heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation in the body.

These fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, are key components of brain cell membranes and play a vital role in enhancing brain plasticity, which is crucial for learning and memory.

Adequate omega-3 intake is associated with improved concentration, reduced mental fatigue, and better mood regulation.

Who Needs to Take Omega-3 Supplements ? You typically need Omega-3 supplements if you don’t consume enough omega-3 rich foods like fish, have heart health concerns, suffer from mental health conditions like depression, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in calcium absorption, bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.

Research has consistently shown that deficiencies in Vitamin D can lead to mood disorders like depression, and are also correlated with a decline in cognitive functions, especially memory and problem-solving abilities.

Who Needs to Take Vitamin D Supplements? You typically need Vitamin D supplements if you have limited sun exposure, have a darker skin tone, suffer from certain medical conditions like osteoporosis, or are elderly.

4. Antioxidant Vitamins (Vitamins C and E): Both Vitamin C and E are powerful antioxidants that play a crucial role in protecting brain cells from oxidative damage.

Vitamin C is also important for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, including those that influence motivation and mental energy, while Vitamin E helps maintain cognitive functions by safeguarding neuronal health.

Who Needs to Take Vitamin C and E Supplements? You typically need Vitamin C and E supplements if your diet lacks fresh fruits and vegetables, if you are a smoker, suffer from medical conditions like Crohn’s disease or celiac disease, or are exposed to high levels of pollution or stress.

Research underlines the importance of optimal vitamin levels for enhancing both physical and mental functions, boosting energy, and improving overall productivity.

However, the impact of vitamin supplements shows varied results in scientific studies, particularly among individuals who are already healthy and not deficient in these vitamins.

Risks and Side-effects of Vitamins: excessive intake of some vitamins, especially fat-soluble ones like Vitamin D and E, can lead to toxicity, causing symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, liver damage, and nerve damage.

In summary, a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and nutrients is key for overall health and may enhance cognitive function and consequently motivation and productivity.

Supplementation can be beneficial, especially in cases of deficiency or specific health conditions, but its impact on healthy individuals with adequate nutrient levels is less certain.

Supplementation should be considered carefully, complementing rather than replacing a healthy diet.

14. N-acetyl-cysteine

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N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) bottle supplement and pills for procrastination

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a supplement derived from the amino acid L-cysteine, is known for its antioxidant properties and its role in replenishing glutathione, one of the body’s most important antioxidants.

While primarily used for medical conditions like acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose and chronic bronchitis, NAC may also have benefits related to cognitive function and mental health.

Research into NAC’s effectiveness for productivity and procrastination is insufficient. Some studies suggest that this supplement can have a positive impact on brain health, potentially improving mental performance, indirectly aiding in productivity and motivation.

A 2022 study found that NAC, by elevating brain glutathione levels, increased motivation and enhanced task performance, particularly in activities requiring sustained effort.

Researchers have also found that N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) can enhance exercise performance in short-term competitive scenarios, where rapid adaptation is less critical. This boost in physical endurance and reduced fatigue may potentially lead to improved concentration and mental stamina.

Risks and Side-effects : While N-acetyl cysteine is likely safe for most adults, it may cause side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. It may also lead to rashes, headache, drowsiness, and low blood pressure. 

In summary, although NAC demonstrates potential in supporting mental health and cognitive functions, its effectiveness regarding procrastination and overall productivity remains less certain, requiring more extensive research for a fuller understanding.

15. Creatine

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Creatine supplement bottle white powder and dumbbells for procrastination

Creatine, primarily known as a supplement for enhancing physical performance, particularly in athletes, may have some effects for cognitive functions and overall energy.

Although direct research on its effects on productivity or procrastination is lacking, studies have demonstrated creatine’s ability to enhance short-term memory and reasoning in complex tasks.

Research suggests that it could be a useful supplement in mentally and physically taxing situations, offering a slight increase in energy and resistance to fatigue, which may be beneficial for tasks that require sustained mental or physical effort.

However, it’s crucial to understand that creatine is not a targeted solution for procrastination nor has it been conclusively proven to enhance overall productivity in the long term.

While it has the ability to improve cognitive functions, which can indirectly boost productivity by elevating mental energy and motivation, its role is more supportive than curative.

Risks and Side-effects : Creatine is generally regarded as safe for use, though it can have some side effects such as weight gain, muscle cramps, and digestive issues.

In summary, while creatine is widely recognized for enhancing physical performance, muscle power, and strength, its specific effects on productivity are less well-established.

Important Note

This guide is purely informative, and we do not encourage the use of any substance, without medical supervision.

Always seek the advice and supervision of a medical professional before using any pharmaceutical or nutritional aid.

Alternatives And Complementary Approaches:

While drugs can offer benefits, they also have their drawbacks and come with side effects. They may provide help, but are not always a viable long-term solution.

It’s encouraged to adopt a holistic approach to managing procrastination, which includes lifestyle changes, therapy, and, if needed, medication, but always under professional guidance.

Check out our Complete Guide to Therapies for Procrastination to explore other alternatives.


Although research on the effectiveness of drugs and supplements specifically for procrastination is limited, evidence indicates that some can enhance cognitive functions, adaptability to stress, alertness, and motivation, thereby indirectly improving productivity.

Many of these substances have been supported by research and anecdotal evidence as highly effective in enhancing mental and physical performance and overall productivity. However, they may have specific indications, and can come with risks and side effects.

Adopting a holistic approach to tackle procrastination, with a focus on long-term solutions, is typically more beneficial. Medications and supplements can be utilized when necessary or as supportive aids, but this should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


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