Proactivity Lab

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Laziness Vs Procrastination Self-Assessment Quiz

Laziness Vs Procrastination: Self-Assessment Quiz


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If a task is tough or boring, I tend to postpone it.
I find myself doing less important tasks instead of tackling the important ones.
I promise myself to start a task but end up delaying it.
I feel bad about my habit of constantly delaying tasks.
I needlessly delay completing tasks, even when they’re important.
I avoid tasks that require considerable mental or physical effort.
I set plans and goals for myself but don't follow through with them.
I try to find ways to improve my productivity and achieve my goals.
I do not experience guilt or regret about my lack of activity or achievement in my daily life.
I lack the desire to complete tasks unless they offer immediate rewards.
Leading a laid-back effortless lifestyle suits me well.
I am not interested in setting personal goals or making plans.
I prefer relaxation and inactivity over more productive activities.
Even when faced with important tasks, I choose not to do them.
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