Proactivity Lab

The Procrastination At Work Scale (PAWS)

Procrastination at Work Scale (PAWS)
employees procrastinating - Workplace procrastination quiz


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1. When I work, even after I make decision, I delay acting upon it.
2. I delay before starting on work I have to do.
3. At work, I crave a pleasurable diversion so sharply that I find it increasingly hard to stay on track.
4. When a work task is tedious, again and again I find myself pleasantly daydreaming rather than focusing.
5. I give priority to the lesser tasks, even if there is something important I should do at work.
6. When I have excessive amount of work to do, I avoid planning my tasks, and find myself doing something totally irrelevant.
7. I take long coffee breaks.
8. I use Instant Messaging (i.e. WhatsApp, Skype, Viber…) at work for personal use.
9. I spend more than half an hour on social network sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) at work per day for leisure purpose.
10. I read news online at work.
11. I delay some of my tasks just because I do not enjoy doing them.
12. I do online shopping during working hours.
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