Proactivity Lab

What Type of Procrastinator Are You?


What Type of Procrastinator Are You?


procrastination types quiz


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I put a lot of pressure on myself when accomplishing things.
I spend a lot of time analyzing the things I do.
I am overly worried about the outcome of what I do.
I tend to avoid starting a project unless I am certain the outcome will match my expectations.
I am very detail-focused.
I spend a lot of time preparing before starting a task or a project.
I have a vivid imagination.
I have unrealistic dreams about the future.
I tend to focus on the big picture instead of the details.
I am not very good at planning to achieve my goals.
I get bored easily and need constant stimulation.
I can’t finish a project without being distracted by other ideas.
I hate to take risks even if they come with great rewards.
I tend to worry about things.
I am hesitant and cautious in regard to my day-to-day activities.
When performing a task, I ruminate about what can go wrong.
I miss out on many things in life because of fear and anxiety.
I don’t like change and prefer to remain in my comfort zone.
I work better under pressure.
Deadlines don’t frighten me.
I get easily bored when doing routine tasks.
Stress makes me more motivated to do things.
I am not afraid to take risks.
I wait until the last minute to start important tasks.
I am busy all the time.
I have a hard time prioritizing my tasks.
I am always in crisis mode dealing with urgent things.
I have a hard time saying “no” when asked for help.
I often find myself doing the work of others.
I feel overwhelmed with my everyday tasks.


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